Marymount University

Marymount University

Message Center

When you have fewer accounts to keep track of, you can focus on one investment strategy to meet your savings goals. Help make it easier to manage your retirement accounts. Contact the Account Consolidation Team at (866) 865-2660 or email Please carefully consider the benefits of existing and potentially new retirement accounts and any differences in features. Retirement Consultants are registered representatives of and offer securities through Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. (member SIPC).

Learn More

Every year, the IRS announces the latest contribution limits for retirement savings accounts (including employer-sponsored plans and IRAs) and Health Savings and Spending Accounts. This online overview can show how much of your taxable income you can potentially save for retirement.


Check out our webinars, covering basic investment concepts to retirement strategies. Your financial education is just one click away.

Who’s the apple of your eye? Show you care! Name your beneficiaries for your retirement account today!

If you were unable to attend a transition meeting, you can view the 403(b) Plan Enhancement Overview presentation here.

Haga clic aquí para acceder a esta presentación en español.

If you would like to change how much you are contributing to the plan, you can now submit those requests by logging into your account online.
